Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here's Hoping

So I got a new laptop computer today, which is a good thing. I've got high speed internet, which is a good thing. I have a wireless router, which is a good thing. Problem is, I have no idea how to configure a wireless network. I know the odds of getting a positive response to this post is similar to what NASA is dealing with as they send love letters into outer space with radio signals hoping to attract the attention of hostile alien life forms.
That said, if anyone who happens to read this has the know-how on setting up a wireless network, and is willing to give me pointers so I don't have to pay the Geek Squad to bail me out, I would be ever so grateful.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Way, The Truth, and The ???

Just a little rant. This is an ad that was in a local coupon magazine recently. It's from a Christian Store that is "under new ownership" and their slogan is"Encouraging and equipping you to endure to the end". I understand what they are going for, but I agree with Monica's take that they could just as easily be advertising hospice services. If I don't already know God, this sure doesn't lead me to believe that there is any reason to want to. It sounds more like "Come shop here, and we can all hunker down together and wait for death to set us free from this miserable life..." Hopefully they have friends that will constructively advise them that maybe a new advertising slogan is in order... unless, of course, they plan to expand into health care for the terminally ill.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gotta Love Childlike Faith!

I spent all day yesterday sick in bed, mostly with the TV off due to the severe excess of food-related commercials. After Monica put the kids to bed last night, she came into the bedroom to let me know that Shane (my 5 year old) prayed earnestly for me before going to bed. "Lord, please help Dad not to be sick any more." "Lord, please help Dad feel better." "Lord, please help Dad sell more houses." You can call it coincidence, but I'll call it answered prayers. Being five years old, he hasn't learned how to doubt God's abilities yet. I slept great last night and woke up feeling fine this morning. Even if the "sell more houses" prayer doesn't have the same instant result, two out of three isn't bad!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Where's the love?

Why is it that when one of my kids gets hurt, I can scoop him up and comfort him and everything seems to be on the road to complete recovery.... until he sees Mommy? Suddenly, I am about as useful, wanted, and necessary as a street sweeper. The cries escalate again, and he reaches desperately for her as if she has come to save him from this strange man that picked him up against his will and won't let go. She was, after all, the same woman that just two minutes earlier went sneaking down the stairs to escape the noise and mayhem while Daddy was patiently standing by waiting for the impending disaster to strike so he could play hero.