Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Verbal Antagonists

I am amazed to see how quickly my sons are advancing in certain life skills. The most noticeable of these is their inherited ability to argue and debate. Only a year ago, Shane & Owen would engage each other in a nonstop barrage of simple "Yes! No! Yes! No! Yes it is! No it's not! Yes it is!! No it's Not!!! I SAID YES IT IS!!!!............No it's not." and since Carter couldn't talk, he would quietly observe and develop his own strategies to draw on once he became of age.

Fast forward several months to the present. Carter is now of age (meaning he is 2 and can talk), whereby it is now possible for all three to make each other upset at the same time. To me, that takes skill. You would think that it would always be two-on-one, but somehow they have managed to rise above that and have their own conflicting sovereign opinions. I must say though, that Shane still manages to stay a step ahead of his brothers.
While most boys argue and fight about their present situation, Shane has the ability to create trauma about theoretical future events. Case in point -- Yesterday we were on the way to Ukrops to pick up a few groceries. This particular location has a playroom where you can drop off your kids and shop in peace. Shane was able to get his brothers squawling while we were still enroute simply by declaring the order in which they would walk into the play area. Dominant self-serving organizational planning by a five year old.
What's next?
Trust me, it won't be long until Owen will come bursting into the living room crying his eyes out screaming "Mommy! Shane's got an imaginary playground and he won't let me go on the slide!!"
I love being a dad.

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