Today was fairly eventful, and definitely mixed with good news and bad. On the down side, I have to help Monica cope with the loss of Brett Favre. How does she move on from here? Will she still watch football with me now that he's gone, or will she turn her back on the sport like she did the NBA when Jordan left the Bulls? Frankly, that's a scary thought. My hope is that she can continue on as a Packers fan. I need a bandwagon to jump on midway through the season when my Redskins stall out, and helping Monica and the rest of the Cheeseheads root for Favre & Co. was never a problem. She has already indicated that she might be able to push through this just by knowing that Brett Favre will still be watching the Pack play on TV, so at least she can smile knowing that they are tuned in to the same network at the same time.
But enough of the bad news. On the plus side, it was 73 degrees today, Eric & Frannie will soon be our neighbors, there is a strong possibility that Hillary will no longer be a viable presidential candidate in a few hours, it's raining, and I got to hang out at the mall with Monica and the boys this evening, watching Owen point out all the "bad" mannequins who, as a result of their behavior, no longer had heads.
That is really sad about Brett Favre... very disappointing after such a great season! That is so cool about Eric and Frannie! How close are they going to be to y'all? Is it a done deal? So, are you an Obama fan or just don't like Hillary or what? Just wondering.
Yep. Football may never be the same, but you know all the other NFL quarterbacks are secretly glad that it's over. They have been shut out of the spotlight ever since he started considering retirement. They have been Jan, and Brett has been Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!
Eric & Frannie will be about 2 blocks away, and you are safe with the assumption that I don't like Hillary.
Hey again! I could tell you didn't like Hillary; I was wondering if you like Obama. I won't be judgmental or whatever about it if you do. It's just a matter of curiosity. Still enjoying your blog as you can tell since I'm coming like everyday! So what are Hillary's chances of winning it now?
It's really not whether or not I like Obama. It's really going to come down to who I dislike the least, and I know that I dislike Obama less than I dislike Hillary. If that works out okay, I can then decide if I dislike McCain less than Obama. Process of elimination ;-)
We are in the same boat!
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